Some of the alumnus who recently contacted me with regards to school development posed me a few questions. I thought it would be better to post these in the blog to reach wider audience.

Q1: How to support our school and build-up the alumni?
A1: I am currently working with 1972 batch Alumni who are actively working to consolidate the list of Alumni of various batches. We are planning to have a meeting with several alumni hopefully in a couple of months and will go forward from there.

Initially, if you can send an e-mail to either me: narayana2k15@gmail.com or contact any of the below, it will be greatly appreciated:

Ch. Prabhakar Rao garu (Senior Advocate)
Mobile: 9848-184-131
E-mail: tcalumni.rjy@gmail.com

Chekka Trinadh garu
Mobile: 9491-386-972; 8019-190-161

K. Vittobha Maharaj garu
Mobile: 9491-114-083

Q2: How to share your ideas on this blog?
A2: You are very much welcome to share your ideas on this blog and it is primary reason of this blog too. Initially, if you can send an e-mail to me: narayana2k15@gmail.com, I will post your suggestions on your behalf. I will open up access to post directly in future once there are more participants.

Q3: What can you share on this blog?
A3: You can share anything that is related to Government High School (Training College) such as below:

  1. School Photos, Videos, etc.
  2. Details of Alumni: Contact details, personal introduction, information of important alumnus of our school
  3. School History and news articles related to the school
  4. Your suggestions to develop the school
  5. Details of your school visits, your activities and contributions
  6. Details of your batch get-together (photos, report, etc)
  7. Details of teachers (past and present) - their addresses and contact details, etc.

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